When is the closing date for entries?
First Saturday in October.
Will late entries be accepted?
No entries submitted after the closing date will not be accepted.
Why is the closing date so early?
The closing date is set to give enough time for each Section Secretary to timetable the classes and create the programme. The programme is published in early November
What do the age limits in the syllabus mean?
All classes are based on the age of entrants at 31st August immediately prior to the Festival. This is in line with most school year groups.
Why are there age limits?
Age limits mean that entrants are competing against other people of a similar age.
Will I receive feedback?
Every performance is evaluated by the Adjudicator. Verbal feedback is given in public at the end of the class and written feedback is given privately to each competitor, including the mark achieved.
Will I get a certificate?
Every competitor is given a certificate.
How can I win a trophy?
Trophies are awarded in many classes to the winner of that class (providing they receive 84 marks or above). Some trophies are awarded for high levels of performance in several different classes or sections (multi-class trophies). Others are given at the discretion of the adjudicator – for example for musicality or musical promise in a particular discipline.
How can I win a medal?
At the end of each class, trophies, prizes and medals will be awarded and Certificates and Evaluation Sheets distributed. See “How to Win a Medal” Section
Who is an amateur performer?
An amateur performer is defined as someone whose main income is not derived from performing or teaching within the section concerned. Conductors & Accompanists may be professional musicians.
What is an open class?
Open classes are open to anyone to enter, whereas most classes are restricted to amateur performers only.
The Competitions are intended for amateurs except where marked “A or P”. A person is regarded as “Professional” if their main income is derived from performing or teaching within the Section concerned. Conductors and accompanists may, of course, be professional musicians.
What happens after I submit my entry online?
You will receive an email to confirm the receipt of your online entry. Following the closing date (approx 3 weeks), you will receive a further email which will be your attendance slip confirming your time, date, and venue.
When will I find out the time and date of my class?
This will be issued by the end of the 3rd Week of October.
I can’t use the online entry system/ it isn’t working, what can I do?
Please contact the Honorary General Secretary email gensec@southendfestivalof performingarts.com
Where do I submit my Music/Script/Composition?
Please email it to us, or request a postal address from the Honorary General Secretary: gensec@southendmusicfestival.co.uk if you would like to send via post.
Where can I find details of the safeguarding policy?
How do you protect my personal data?
Will my photos be used for any display?
No photos are permitted without your prior consent.
Why can I not take still photos of my child?
Please refer to the safeguarding & GDPR policy
Why am I unable to take videos of my child/children performing?
Every person recording would have to have an appropriate current licence from the Mechanical Copyright Protection Society – this licence would have to be checked by the Festival on the day; every person recording must have the permission of the owner of the venue and of ALL performers; adjudicators’ words are copyright and written permission must be obtained before they can be reproduced; the Festival is always responsible for upholding copyright and would therefore be ultimately liable for any breach.
In addition to the above, the use of cameras and/or recording equipment can be disruptive and off-putting for the competitors, to the detriment of their performance – a significant amount of hard work will have gone into their preparation for this performance and it is only fair to them that we do everything to ensure that we provide the best possible platform for them on the day.
How much are the spectator fees? Why is this charged?
See Tickets & Programmes within the Fees Section re Admission . This fee contributes to the overall running of the festival and associated overheads.
I need an accompanist, who do I contact?
Classes in the singing section have access to an official accompanist. For these just tick the box in the entry system. For other classes,. if an accompanist is required you will need to make a private arrangement as regards rehearsal, fees, and attendance at the Festival. We do not have an Official Accompanist but a list of suggested, local accompanists who you can contact to make such an arrangement. Or you may arrange to use an accompanist of your own choice
Please note: Accompanist fees are a private arrangement between the Accompanist & the Performer.
I haven’t received an email to confirm my entry
Please contact gensec@southendfestivalofperformingarts.com
My child doesn’t have a teacher, can I still enter them into the festival?
Yes. Please refer to the Performers information section.
Can I specify days I am available to compete?
No. Each section has a set number of dates, within that time we are unable to guarantee when your class will be scheduled until all entries have been received. We are unable to offer refunds if you are unable to attend. The Festival makes efforts to schedule classes outside of school hours for those of secondary school age.
Who do I contact if I am unable to attend?
This information can be found on your attendance slip for your class.
Where do I go for my class?
This information can be found on your attendance slip for your class.